Parade Categories:
1) Parade Marshals will be responsible for the organization of their division and the placement of parade entrants into sequence.
2) The parade forms up in five parking lots on Jaymor Road and Second Street Pike. Parade entrants must enter at the corner of James Way and Jaymor Rd where you will be directed to the parking lot assigned to you.
3) The parade will proceed north on Second Street Pike starting at the corner of Jaymor Road and continue to Klinger Middle School.
4) The parade will start PROMPTLY at 9:30am. Any unit NOT in place when the Parade moves, will fall to the rear of the formation.
5) The Baby Parade forms in the Firstrust Bank parking lot. They will join the Parade at this point. All children 5 years of age and under are eligible to participate in the baby parade. You are not required to register for the Baby Parade.
6) Floats, Cars, Neighborhood Groups, Marching Units, Bands, Etc. will meet on Jaymor Road and Second Street Pike and inform the Parade Marshall of their arrival for placement in Parade.
7) All Bicycles and Wagons will meet at First Trust Bank.
8) All vehicles must have valid proof of insurance and be able to provide such proof of documentation prior to event. A licensed motorist MUST operate all vehicles. Failure to provide this information will be subject to removal from Parade and subject to ticketing by local Police.
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